Multi-document summarization: how to extract full value from your ‘hidden’ data

MDS How to Extract Value From Your ‘Hidden’ Data- Article Index Header

Read the article below or download the PDF version here. Continuous research and development underpin all of RoZetta Technology’s operations. From postgraduate trainees to leading scientists, they are actively involved in pushing the boundaries of data science and technological excellence – to the ultimate benefit of its customers and partners. One highly significant area of…

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Digging out the gold buried in your data mines

Read the article below or download the PDF version here. The American physicist William Pollard said that information is of little benefit “unless it is organized and available to the right people in a format for decision making”.With that in mind, scientists and researchers at Sydney-based RoZetta Technology are helping businesses and organisations to reap the…

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This is not science fiction: anomaly detection systems manage masses of data to boost profits, cut fraud and wipe out waste

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Read the article below or download the PDF version here. When endeavouring to explain the function and value of an anomaly detection system, David Wright turns to science fiction, specifically Star Trek’s Tricorder – a (fictional) multifunction device aboard the USS Enterprise that performs sensor environment scans, data recording, and analysis. “Almost every company receives…

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How to successfully navigate data modernization

How to Successfully Navigate Data Modernization

Phil Anderson – Head of Product Management, RoZetta Technology Read the article below or download the PDF version here. Effective data management and efficient technology performance are inextricably linked, especially in capital markets. The growth in transactional volumes and growing data sources means that the quality of the data management and technology directly impacts the growth…

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Award winner – best tick data management platform

Ensuring organisations have cost-effective and easy access to the burgeoning amount of data needed to support their analytic, trading, risk management and compliance activity, is where RoZetta Technology excels. Drawing on 20 years serving Tick Data to Capital Market users, the 5th generation DataHex Tick Data Management SaaS Platform ensures data is easy to find,…

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New property market index delivers greater insight

Situation In some key markets, it is a real challenge to obtain an accurate measure of success and growth trends.  The residential home loan refinance market is a case where there is plenty of competition, but it is very difficult to discern which companies are doing better in key geographic areas and how to benchmark…

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From data wrangling to AI & ML enabled data curation

Authors:  Peter Spicer – Chief Technology Officer  &  Scott Matthews – Chief Data Scientist There is little debate we are at a stage where demand for data and data availability is growing at unprecedented levels. This is placing strain on organizations’ legacy technology and processes to remain competitive. For Capital Markets firms, new compliance and…

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